Yoga can be an effective way to reduce stress

As a stress buster, yoga is one of the most popular forms of treatment. But perhaps the word "stressbuster" is too strong to use. Practicing yoga does not necessarily stress stress enough to help reduce it over time in the process of teaching yoga enthusiasts techniques for treating stress if stress occurs again in the future It is not to be.

Yoga, unlike pills and other medicines, can be an effective way to cope with stress. It does not cause harmful side effects or bring about the possibility of chemical dependence. On the contrary, yoga can help free you from reliance on your health care to help you relax instead of dealing with the pressures of life without you relying on chemicals Teach you how to use the natural elements inside you to help.

First, “stress” (the most commonly used today) is defined as “the body's nonspecific response to any demand for change,” developed in 1932 by the scientist Hans Selye. Many researchers and scientists, including research at the American Football Research Institute, have declined the definition of stress (because stress or bad stress such as winning a football game-they may lose football) Programs like to help reduce negative stress to agree.
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The advantage that yoga is associated with stress continues to be investigated by scientists. A study by Columbia Medical College surgeons in New York tested the effects of Sudarshan Kriya Yogic breathing on stress relief. Researchers say "Sudarshan Kriya Yoga is a low-risk, low-cost adjuvant therapy for the treatment of stress, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and stress-related medical disorders. He said that there is enough evidence to think of it: yoga techniques enhance well-being, mood, attention, mental concentration, and stress tolerance. "

Another study, conducted by the Department of Psychology and the Health Equalization Research Center at Stockholm University in Sweden, divided 26 women and 7 men working in a large company into four groups, or for four years cognitive behavioral therapy or He was treated with Kundaliniyoga. Several months in an effort to reduce stress. The study found that not only did the levels of psychological and physiological stress decreased, but there was no significant difference in the amount of reduction between the two groups. "The results show that both cognitive behavioral therapy and yoga are promising stress management techniques," the study said.

Thanks to such research, the medical community has incorporated many of the stress relief and relaxation techniques that have been used in yoga for centuries. These techniques include gentle body movement, stretching, breathing control techniques, meditation, and visualization.

All these techniques, yoga practitioners, know how to connect mind and body to mind in such a way that medicine and medicine can never be achieved. And by reducing stress, yoga can also help reduce or sometimes eliminate the condition associated with many other physical nutrients. Yoga helps to lower blood pressure, relieve insomnia, relieve muscle tone, relieve allergies and asthma, try to stop smoking, and control overeating.

Yoga can help your body relax and take advantage of the innate natural healing, without the need for drugs or expensive treatments. It may not be a "stress buster", but yoga can reduce stress.

Linda Adams is pleased with everything related to health. One of the finest health websites that Lindaa has discovered is Yoga Fitness Kamloops, an exceptional combination of yoga and health.

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