Yoga helps relieve arthritis pain and discomfort

This condition that interferes with the movement of the joints and muscles of the body can cause pain and stiffness in the afflicted person. Arthritis affects job performance, relaxation, and overall quality of life.

The Centers for Disease Control reports that arthritis has been diagnosed in more than 46 million people in the United States and affects people of all race and ethnic categories. The risk of arthritis increases with age and affects women more than men.

We all probably know someone who is suffering from the form of arthritis, or you may suffer from it yourself. However, according to research, there may be a simple way to relieve the discomfort and pain associated with arthritis: yoga.

Although the tests in this area are not as extensive, yoga is still known to have positive psychological and physical benefits for arthritis patients. According to reports from the John Hopkins University Arthritis Center, research on yoga and its impact on rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis is minimal, but the studies conducted are "promising" and health of the joints, physical function and joints Mental / Emotional Improvement Perhaps the most important thing is that people with arthritis that have an important positive effect on quality of life can also enjoy yoga more than traditional exercise. "The John Hopkins Arthritis Center has published scientific studies on the effects of more than 75 people on yoga, but yoga is a" safe and effective "way to increase muscle strength and flexibility. It is shown to be
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In the doctor's opinion, regular physical activity is an important part of the treatment of arthritis and may promote joint health. However, heavy exercises such as weight training and running that put a lot of stress on joints and muscles can actually make things worse. It makes activities like yoga a perfect solution to the pursuit of a beneficial but not stressful physical exercise. There are also reports that arthritis patients who have mastered yoga practice for much longer than other forms of exercise. This is important when considering a study in which about 50% of those who start the exercise program are excluded from the first six months

Physicians also point out the spiritual benefits of practicing yoga on arthritis. People who suffer from arthritis, especially young people, may develop a feeling of depression in the face of conditions that can significantly reduce their mobility and activity. Doctors say that yoga can help them physically and mentally for people suffering from depression related to their condition.

Doctors have reported that yoga can provide mental clarity to people with arthritis. Yoga has also been shown to help the immune system. This is a great advantage as some types of arthritis can also affect immunity. According to the doctor's conclusion, yoga has a positive impact on the overall quality of a patient's life.

Doctors and yoga teachers point out that there are certain poses and movements that people with arthritis should avoid. Arthritics should limit back movement to small movements and be careful not to stretch their head over the spine and overstretch the neck. Patients with arthritis should be careful when performing hip related poses (hip openers), including poses that require extreme extracorporeal rotation of the hip. In short, if you are experiencing pain, doctors and yoga instructors are advised to stop. People with arthritis should use restraint during their first yoga session and be aware of the pain and discomfort they may feel the next day. It is not uncommon to not feel pain until the day after a yoga session. If the arthritis patient does not feel pain after the first yoga session, they may choose to slowly increase the depth and intensity of the movement.

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