Flow of cooling yoga for summer

When I make yoga class, I always consider current weather and season. When I approach the summer sequencing through the Ayurveda lens, I like the elements of the universe and the earth.
The universe provides the opportunity to slow down, reflect, expand and deflate the body. The Earth provides stability that enables enlargement. In yoga, the elements of the earth are accessed by a pose of strong posture where limbs are rooted on the ground.

The following sequence is designed to balance the quality of pitta commonly seen in the summer. Pitta is a combination of fire and water, it has become hot and sticky body with hot and humid days.

Pitta balanced training here starts strongly, gradually decelerates and encourages calmness and inwardness. This simple and accessible practice can be broken down into 15 minute segments. It takes about 45 minutes for the entire sequence to complete.

Please stand on the mat of mountain pose. Bring your palm together in front of your heart for Anjali Mudra. The base of the hand touches the bend of the wrist. Your thumb and small fingers will remain connected.

Gently open the index, middle, ring finger to Lotus Mudra. As the name suggests, the hand looks like a blooming flower. This creates a palm space, softness, opening feeling that leads to coolness and an open mind.

Standing San Bress
Sucking, it reaches the overhead of the arm. Fingertips touch. When you spit, push your palm gently toward the ground. The fingertip is still connected. Repeat this movement 3 to 10 times to slow down ongoing expulsion.

Half-day greetings
Sucks the overhead of the arm. Standing upward spit out Softly, the head top of head heading towards the floor. Inhale inside the middle of a long spinal hand and touch your toes with your fingertips along the toes.

Spit out and forward forward. Inhale the overhead of the arm and spit out the palm in front of the heart of Lotus Mudra. Repeat Half Sun Salutation 3 to 5 rounds. I move slowly at my own pace.
Greeting of the moon
In the summer, I prefer to prefer Moon Salutation, which is softer than calm Sun Salutation, because the flow avoids back bend and heating of Chaturangas.

Sucks the overhead of the arm. Spit to forward facing forward bending; sucking long spinal column. When I exhale, I return to the fold forward and return to the knee of the back of the ground, Low Lunge. Sucks the overhead of the arm.

Spit to half split, hand that straightens the forefoot, folds it and tightens the forefoot. If the hamstring is too tight, place your hand on a block for support. Inhale, bend the right knee, return the arm to the overhead, please return to Low Lunge.

Repeat the flow on the opposite side. I will do one to three rounds of Moon Salutation.

Flow of Warrior II
Directly bend the right knee to the right ankle and extend his arms to T for Warrior II. In this variation, the palm faces upwards to promote cooling. Please hold your breath 3 to 5 times with Warrior II.

When you spit, make your right leg straight and make it Triangle. The right hand can reach down for the block, shin, or floor. To get more heat, float your right hand from the base. Hold the triangle with 5 to 10 breaths.

Once inhaled, move the right foot a few inches in front of the right foot. If you are using one, bring a block and lift your left foot to Balancing Half Moon. The left leg reaches the back like the right hip stack on the upper left. The right arm can support the right hip joint or extend to reach the sky. I will soften your gaze. This can be towards your root toe or up toward your thumb. Spread behind your heart and enjoy the space around the limbs. Balance Half Moon with 3 to 5 breaths.
Repeat the flow on the opposite side.

Tree Flow
Please ground your right foot, put your left foot foot on the inside of your right foot, wake up a tree pose. The left foot is placed on either the shin or thigh above the knee. Please make sure your foot is not pushed into the knee joint. You can reach the overhead of your arms, or keep you rest at your waist. Whatever variations of arms you choose, make sure your arms are away from the midline in order to blow away both sides of the waist and armpits. The hold tree breathes 5 to 10 times.

Lift the left foot from the tree, but please lift the leg. Stretch out for your left toe and extend your left leg in front of you to pull out the enlarged posture from the hands to the crotch. If you are not familiar with this posture, bend the left knee and wrap around your fingers with your fingers. Please stop 3 to 5 times of breath.

Repeat the flow on the opposite side.
Stability is improved by balancing the poses. When you proceed through this sequence, open your eyes soft and open behind your mind and keep your breath as smooth and silky.

From child's pose Cobra

Cool down begins now. Please rest in child's posture.

After inhalation, lift it to the table.

Spatting forward through the center of the heart, to the cobra.

Inhale and return to the table, long exhalation returns to the child's posture, gently round the spine.

This flow is repeated 3 to 10 times. Every time you come to a child pose and cobra, enjoy a little break at the end of the spit.

Bound angle
Hold the sole of the foot about 6 to 13 inches away from the center of your body and create a space to circulate the air. If your knees are on your waist place the ischium on the end of the cushion or a folded blanket.

Please extend from the inside thigh to the outside knees. Please drop it evenly on your seat. If you breathe soften, you can spit slowly. Hold the bound angle with 5 to 10 breaths.
In the summer, please enjoy a spacious savasana. Extend your arms and legs and blow away your groin and side roots by making the width of your leg wider than the mat width. The palm faces up. Cover your eyes with a cool sandbag or basin. Please be gentle with the earth and allow 10 minutes break and integration.

Image Source: Shutterstock

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